creative services

build a relationship

the best relationships are built over a period of time — and convey a shared experience. that holds especially true for this generation of media-saturated high-school age and college students — even as they “tweet” their college preference on twitter and potentially friend their admissions counselors on social networks.

aspiring college students are deluged with information from colleges and universities — in their inbox and their mailbox — receiving thousands of letters, brochures, and e-mail messages during the course of their college search. how do you cut through all the clutter?

rather than simply conveying facts and figures, pie charts and percentages, targetx takes the time to get to know you. using the latest technology (how students really communicate today) we devise tailored campaigns to tell stories about what's really happening on your campus — where students dream, laugh, grow, worry and learn, and where faculty become mentors — and isn't that what the college experience is really all about?

faces 1

in 2007, targetx launched the cuppie award winning faces for albright college. faces is a three-times yearly magazine that profiles students and uses fresh, personal perspectives to tell the albright story. the profiled students are featured bloggers on a private-branded social network as well as tour guides... making their stories accessible in-print, online, and in-person.

download faces 1 (pdf) »
visit the faces social network »

see more targetx creative »

telling your story.
telling a better story.

the fact is, students want to find out more about you — but they don't usually find what they are looking for. facts and figures and glossy photos just can't help prospective students picture themselves in your student center surrounded by a new group of friends with whom they can actually relate.

aside from being there in person, there is no better way to relate than through the tried and true art of storytelling. let us help you tell your story so that students discover that there is a human behind the machine. when you consider the number of emails and letters students receive during the course of their college search experience, this is a vital, even mandatory distinction.

over the past eleven years targetx has built and honed leading-edge technology to enable clients to effectively target future students with outreach efforts that speak to millennials (the way they talk) using today's technology tools.

during these eleven years, we've applied our cutting-edge tools in countless ways depending on our clients' needs. based on our experience, as well as our ongoing research and analysis of trends, we pair strategy and creativity to the development of content. our team of account managers, writers and designers work together to craft creative that lets students know (and see) who you really are.

american university

as part of a successful integrated student search campaign for american university, targetx developed a tightly-focused micro-site (linked to a multi-pronged e-mail campaign) which featured student profiles that brought american's academic strengths to life while simplifying admissions and financial aid content for prospective students.

visit the american university microsite »

see more targetx creative »
banggood fake reviews

what we do

our results-driven insight goes beyond best-practices and serves as a multi-disciplinary approach to develop creative that is distinct to your brand and your institutional dna. we spend the time to get to know you and your students so we can tell your story with detail and authenticity.

we believe that the most effective way to tell your story is to strip away the canned marketing jargon and to speak from the core of what makes your institution unique: think stories not just stats; people not slogans or mission statements.

whether it's an engaging publication, a multi-pronged strategic student search campaign, a content-rich website, custom-built brand extension blogs and social networks, or attention-getting collateral materials or email campaign; we'll help you connect with future students and tell your story.

we build communications that stay on message and work as a brand extension or start a new conversation with an all-new campaign concept. here's just some of what we can do for you:

  • integrated student search campaigns
  • websites
  • publications
  • custom blogs
  • private-branded social networks
  • landing pages
  • email campaigns
  • direct mail

western summit

you can almost smell the mountain air when current western students talk to prospective students about their favorite climbing spots, studying environmental sociology, and/or playing frisbee barefoot in the snow at western state college of colorado. linking western's student stories and social networking to search, targetx built up an impressive virtual community for the college, using email, print and the establishment of a branded social network.

visit the western summit social network »

see more targetx creative »

get creative with search

search is no longer a once-a-year one-way communication. maybe that's because prospective students prefer conversations to (even the most informative) marketing efforts. students are also accustomed to talking (and being heard) online, where they can post comments on blogs and converse openly on social networks.

why does this matter to you? the psychology of where and how prospective students communicate — and form relationships — is exactly what should inform the strategy behind college search. we call it social search, leveraging the interactive power of the web to more effectively recruit students in the twenty-first century.

we'll plan, create and execute a distinctive, customized search (full of student stories and beautiful design) that can combine direct mail, email, special landing pages on the web, student blogs and even your own social network in order to get your institution noticed by your target audience — students.

student search today is all about bringing your college to life (and cutting through the clutter of thousands of other e-mails and print materials students receive) through the ever-increasing channels of communication at your fingertips.

  • create an integrated campaign that is only the beginning of a comprehensive, targeted communication plan.
  • reach out to multiple classes. build the relationship early, not only with juniors but also with sophomores.
  • target the students you want — by major, geography, ethnicity — in an easy and cost-effective way.
  • benefit from more frequent contact with students and much more.


publication: albright college: faces

enhanced blog: philadelphia biblical university — visit the pbu blog »

email campaign: swarthmore college

website: american university — visit the au microsite »

brochure: lake erie college

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